Search Engine
Optimization (SEO)
The single most important investment
you'll ever make for your business
Long-term investment for long-term satisfaction
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the online visibility and digital ranking of your website in the so-called search engine results pages (SERPs), such as the pages from Google, Bing or Yahoo searches. The higher your business' rank in SERPs, the more organically highlighted it will be, and the more customers will be exposed and interact with your brand. Considering that 92.7% of all websites listed on Google get 0% traffic, investing in ranking your website directly correlates with unearthing a substantially larger amount of prospective customers. Especially in the first three spots of the Google SERP.
Crushing the numbers
Research carried out by BrigthEdge showed how
businesses can expect a whopping 100% increase in
organic traffic over a 12-month period. Marketing giant
HubSpot released field-test results attesting
that SEO investments generate 53% base increase in visitors
for already established companies. Moz Inc. confirms keyword clicks
spike to at least 31.7%. But enough with all this data.
What does this actually mean for you, business owner? To you, this means money in the form of clients. Good SEO has managed to grow small businesses' clientele tenfold. Yes, 1000% increase. And while that's not always the case, the resounding reality is that most small businesses are not equipped to handle the proper management of their brand online. SEO works, the data don't lie. It's extremely powerful, but running a business is demanding enough as it is. Most of your efforts are justly spent on your product, your client and your service.
While effective SEO takes time, it takes a lot of effort and, above all, it takes consistency for months and months on end. So it just doesn't happen. At all. That goes for a shocking half of all small businesses in the U.S., which don't even have websites. Of those, ~90% have not made any improvements to it, nor have they invested in any other online opportunities. This means 45% of all small businesses in America are wasting hundreds of customers and thousands of dollars daily! But it doesn't have to be this way. We're here to take this off your hands and leave you to polish, improve and astound your customers - while making thousands of dollars more in revenue.
SEO bit-by-bit
When it comes to SEO efficiency, several factors affect a website's rank, some of the most important ones being:
- Keywords: The keywords that you use on your website are one of the most important factors for SEO. When people search for these keywords, your website should appear high in the search results.
- Content: The content on your website should be high-quality and informative. It should also be relevant to the keywords that you are targeting. Recurrent meaningful updates are very beneficial, too.
- Backlinks: Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. They are a signal to search engines that your website is authoritative and trustworthy.
- Technical SEO: Technical SEO refers to the underlying structure of your website. It includes factors such as the speed of your website, the use of mobile-friendly design, and the security of your website.
- On-Page SEO: On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing the content and code of individual pages on a website to improve its visibility and performance in search engine results pages (SERPs).
Business owners are starting to pick up on how crucial SEO can be for their organization, what it can do for their online reputation, visibility and SERPs ranking. Investing early means taking control of your market before your competitors can. For life. The earlier you reach top ranks the easier it is to remain on top. Our team has an impeccable track-record helping small businesses grow - from quintupling prospects to increasing sales & brand awareness. Let us show you how we do it.
The small business advantage
Businesses that aren't investing in vital keywords are
much less likely to be noticed, less likely to affect competitors' sales
and much less likely to attract prospect clients at all in the digital landscape.
SEO can give businesses a competitive edge and allow them
to take over their local market and scale accordingly -
despite their competition..
Some keywords have a much higher search volume than others. This means that there is more competition for these keywords, but also that there is more potential traffic available. Knowing When and which keywords to tackle is an absolutely vital part of effective SEO. Oftentimes, local markets are offering small-to-no competition, giving the first business to invest in SEO a gigantic advantage.
SEO is a complex and ever-changing field, but it is also the most important digital marketing strategy a small businesses can adopt. By optimizing your website for SEO, you're ensuring stability throughout crises and recessions. You're effectively generating long-term, compounded revenue at the exact same cost each month. Want a free audit of your business?